Megan, Apprentice Laboratory Technician

Megan Black
Megan Black

What do you do?

I work in science as an apprentice Lab Technician.

What did you study?

I did my GCSE’s and then took A-Levels in Maths, Chemistry and Physics and I did art up to AS level.

How did you decide which field to go into?

I really wanted to be a scientist as I was interested in doing research and development and wanted a career that would present me with new challenges every day. I felt like science was the best option as it both interests me and no two days are the same.

What route did you take?

I joined the AWE apprenticeship scheme after A-Levels but am still interested in achieving a degree through higher education later. I chose to do an apprenticeship rather than university for quite a few reasons. One reason was the ‘on-the-job’  experience which is extremely valuable as you are straight into the real world of work.

I also wanted to explore all areas of science rather than just doing a chemistry degree (which is what I applied for at uni) and my apprenticeship allows me to do this. Thirdly you get paid to work which is always a bonus!

What’s the best thing about your job?

I love the environment I work in and how my job gives me opportunities every day and it’s all very interesting.  I have also loved being an apprentice as I have met such a variety of people and have formed really great friendships group through my work.

I feel really supported as an apprentice as they have been very generous with all the training and my line manager is always there for me if ever I have a problem.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering an apprenticeship?

Go for it! If you know what you want to do, then have a look and see if there is an apprenticeship that offers it. I found it a bit of a struggle to find science/laboratory apprenticeships but every time I saw an apprenticeship in science I applied.

Make sure your applications are honest, truthful and strong! It’s a competitive environment these days so get teachers, friends and family to read your application because the better it is the more likely you are to progress.

I ended up applying to several different areas of science, even though I knew that I wanted to work in a lab rather than an electronic maintenance apprenticeship. By keeping options open you gain experience in interviews and you will have back up plans in case things don’t go to plan.

However, I would recommend applying to university as well (keeps your options open) and don’t discount it just because of the debt as you only pay it back when you can. Pick the best path for you and I’m happy to say that my apprenticeship route was by far my best choice.
