Ross, Laboratory Technician apprentice

Ross Cameron
Ross Cameron

What apprenticeship do you do?

I am a laboratory technician apprentice working in the field of Materials and Analytical Science. I’m currently in my second year of a two year apprenticeship.

 What did you study

At school I was accepted to do triple science in my GCSE’s which then led to sixth form where I studied Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and Maths at A Level

 How did you decide which field to go into?

I really enjoy chemistry and it’s an area of STEM that I would like to specialise in in the future.  There are many reasons why I wanted to be involved in STEM but the main one is that with new and exciting technology emerging such as biometric security, self-driving cars, virtual assistants etc, having scientists is more important than ever.

To be a part of something that’s driving not just this country but the whole world forward is an incredible feeling!

 What’s the best thing about your job?

I love the variety. During my apprenticeship, I rotate around different areas. For instance, I’m currently involved in collecting and interpreting data from trials and experiments but just a month before I was doing titrations, colourimetry and using pieces of equipment such as mass spectrometers to test water.

Why did you choose an apprenticeship route over university?

For me, the appeal of being paid while still learning was a big bonus for me. Apprenticeships offer something unique – exposure to the real work of work while getting a qualification.

 What advice would you give someone who is considering an apprenticeship?

The advice I would give would be to know what field of work you want to go into, whether that be science, engineering or even business. Ask lots of questions, to friends, parents, teachers/tutors so you can make a well informed decision.
