We are the technical authority for the UK’s radiological and nuclear portal detection network and we support the UK Government in its defence against the smuggling of nuclear and radiological materials into the country.
Detection Science
Our Nuclear Threat Reduction (NTR) specialists have developed the specifications for a highly sensitive passive radiation detection system that allows for the identification of tiny variations in the background radiation to find undeclared and concealed radioactive material.
We collaborate with the international community to develop new systems with greater sensitivity that will ensure the UK border remains safe.
Nuclear Forensics
We have developed, and regularly exercise, novel nuclear forensics capabilities that recreate the design of a weapon post-detonation through prompt diagnostics, sample collection, radiochemical analysis and device assessment. Utilising our characterisation and provenance techniques, we hold the expertise to advise the Government’s attribution activities in the event of a nuclear detonation.
Nuclear Emergency and Nuclear Threat Reduction
We advise the government on a variety of national security issues related to radiological and nuclear materials