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The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) LC36 Improvement Notice

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has served Improvement Notices on AWE’s LC36 Organisational Capability arrangements. While improvements have been made, we recognise there is more work to do on our Licence Condition 36 Organisational Capability arrangements and are committed to making the necessary enhancements. We have a resourced project team in place to ensure […]


2019 Global Cause: Pride in the UK campaign

We recently worked with Mediaplanet on the 2019 Global Cause: Pride in the UK campaign. A printed publication is being distributed at a number of industry events and the content is available online at The campaign featured exclusive content from key thought leaders and industry voices about the importance of taking a stance against […]

enei awards 2019 logo


AWE scoops two Diversity and Inclusion Awards

AWE has won the enei Neurodiversity Award plus a Bronze Award for its work on diversity and inclusion (D&I) at the enei 2019 Awards. AWE joined enei (Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion) the leading employer network for all aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion in the UK, in January 2018. Meg Hunt, AWE’s Director […]


TeenTech Hampshire was a smash hit

TeenTech Hampshire was a smash hit with the 300 Hampshire students who attended and AWE’s teams of engineers and scientists had a STEMtastic time too! AWE has been involved with TeenTech since 2011.  Philippa Kent, AWE’s community engagement manager, explained why: “TeenTech is a great opportunity for us to work with key community partners. By […]


Bat’s amazing – cricketers fundraise for St Michael’s Hospice

The Lerigo Charity XI, an entire cricket team with the surname Lerigo, played their hearts out to raise money for St Michael’s Hospice, at Ramsdell Cricket Club’s Cricket World Cup Family Day and Charity Fund-Raiser. In addition to the cricket, there were plenty of stalls, a raffle and a quiz in the evening plus, of […]


WANTED – 50 female engineering graduates (and 50 male ones)…

Iain Coucher, AWE’s CEO, shares his thoughts on International Women in Engineering Day (InWED). —— Today is International Women in Engineering Day (InWED) – a global celebration of the outstanding contribution made by women in the field of engineering. It is part of a campaign to raise awareness of the opportunities for long, interesting, challenging and […]


AWE supports International Women in Engineering Day 2019

Sunday 23 June will mark 2019’s International Women in Engineering Day (#INWED19). International Women in Engineering Day is an international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focuses attention on the amazing career opportunities available to girls in this exciting industry. The theme chosen for INWED this year is ‘Transform the […]


AWE drone has a new role!

AWE’s specialist drone team had an unusual assignment this week – inspecting the roof at St. Mary’s Church in Tadley! Their mission was to use the drone to provide detailed aerial imagery and videography of St Mary’s, enabling visual confirmation that lightning protection on the bell tower and the roof itself, are in good condition […]


Police dogs visit local primary school

MOD police officers from AWE were accompanied by police Dogs- Spaniel Speedy and German Shepherd Kajo when they visited North Waltham Primary school to give a demonstration and talk about forensic science and drugs awareness. The dogs carried out several demonstrations. The Spaniel, Speedy (a drug detection dog) carried out a playground search and Kajo, […]


Working in Partnership to support British Science Week

AWE is working in partnership with Queen Mary’s College and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to deliver a series of fun science workshops on the theme Journey to Space for primary children across Basingstoke and North Hampshire. AWE’s Community Engagement Manager, Philippa Kent, who runs the company’s award-winning schools programme, said: ‘British Science week is […]



We are delighted to have recently become members of AIRTO, the Association for Innovation, Research and Technology Organisations. AIRTO is the foremost membership body for organisations operating in the UK’s innovation, research and technology sector. Joining AIRTO will give us opportunities to network and forge links with key decision makers in government and industry. AWE […]


AWE pledges it’s Time to Change

AWE has signed the Time to Change Pledge, a public commitment to reducing the stigma around mental health and prioritising the mental and physical health of all its employees. Time to Change is a growing social movement working to change the way that we all think and act about mental health problems. Mental health issues […]


ONR Review of the Development of the AWE Structured Improvement Programme

AWE is working closely with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) on a Structured Improvement Programme (SIP) as part of its overall longer-term business aims. These activities also incorporate improvements in operational performance including safety and compliance. The SIP consists of four related projects focusing on safe operations, process, change and stakeholder interactions. Paul Rees, […]


ONR Events Report Published

The publication of the Nuclear Safety and Radiological Safety Events Report (April 2015 to December 2017) by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) is a welcome contribution towards building trust and confidence in the safety of the UK nuclear industry. AWE continues to adopt an open incident recording culture, and places importance in understanding the […]


AWE marks International Women’s Day 2019

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) on Friday (8 March) is #BalanceforBetter. AWE graduate Ellie is just one of the diverse team involved in an event to explore some of the key issues around gender balance and why it matters. “Some people think of this as a ‘women’s thing’ but of course, […]


AWE Publishes Second Gender Pay Gap Report

Like all organisations with more than 250 employees, we are required to publish our gender pay gap data annually. At AWE we have a gender pay gap of 15% (median pay), just under the national average of 17.9%. The report also includes information on the proportion of men and women that receive a bonus; the […]
