
Understanding how our people feel is important to us.

AWE has again this year been named as one of the top Best Big Companies to work for in the Sunday Times Best Big Companies Awards.

This prestigious and highly competitive award is open to companies with at least 2,000 full time employees and that achieve one of the highest Best Companies Index (BCI) scores in the category.

We place great emphasis on informing and involving our people with clear and regular communications about our strategy and any changes that may affect them. Our engagement strategy is focussed on 5 things:

  1. Visible, empowering leadership providing a strong strategic narrative about the organisation and where it’s heading.
  2. Listening to our people so that people have an opportunity to shape decisions that affect them.
  3. An internal communications mission to ‘inform, involve and inspire’.
  4. Developing managers and helping them to engage effectively with people.
  5. Our Values are reflected in day to day behaviours; there is no ‘say-do’ gap.

At AWE, engagement is every leader’s role. After each survey, our network of Engagement Champions facilitate action planning workshops for their business area to generate ideas on what could be done to address the feedback. The Executive team do this too, reading all of the free text comments and identifying company-wide improvement actions. Our network keeps us focussed on delivering against these plans throughout the year.

Working at AWE

To work at AWE is to play a valuable part in keeping our country safe and secure.

Working at AWE