Our brand

At AWE we’re proud of what we do and how we work and, like any other business, we have a reputation to maintain.

Our reputation is not just about what we think we stand for, but what other people perceive AWE to be. Our behaviours are at the very core of our brand and form a key part of our business strategy. Our logo and our visual identity reflect who we are and how our brand is portrayed.

Our identity is not just a logo, although this is the most visible element of our identity. It is a design scheme composed of a number of core elements that come together to create a distinctive look and feel that makes the AWE brand instantly recognisable.

Protecting our image

Created in 2000, our logo was registered under the Trademark Act by the Secretary of State for Defence. It is therefore the property of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and protected by Crown Copyright.

Use of our logo must therefore be carefully controlled. As a rule, any third party wishing to use our logo must first obtain permission to do so.

This also applies to any AWE photographs or images, which are also protected by Crown Copyright. This includes everything you see on this web site.

Our Corporate Affairs team can provide advice and guidance on seeking approval: Email us at [email protected]

Use by third parties

Use by suppliers

Suppliers may not use the AWE logo in promotional material to indicate that they are an AWE/MOD supplier. They may, however, make factual statements referring to the fact that AWE/MOD is their customer.

Publishing, lectures, conferences, displays

Where AWE is a contributor to a document, lecture, conference or display, a contractor may use the AWE logo to indicate AWE’s contribution. Contractors should, however, gain permission first from AWE’s Corporate Communications team. Permission will only be given where AWE has control over the output and where the use of the insignia or logo makes it clear what AWE’s contribution is.


It is MOD’s general policy that its names, insignia and logos should not be used in such a way that might indicate ‘endorsement’ of a contractor’s products or services. In other words, names, insignia and logos must not be used to imply that AWE particularly favours a contractor’s products or services, or certifies the suitability of such products or services.

Use by the media

Ministry of Defence will not interfere with the use of MOD names, insignia and logos by the media, in relation to news reports relating to the MOD or AWE.


The use of insignia and logos in books requires a licence if the material is still in copyright. This licence can be obtained by contact the Corporate Communications team. Unless the book is being published as a result of some form of collaboration with the MOD or AWE, licences will not usually be granted for the use of insignia or logos on book covers, in order to avoid the insignia or logo being mistaken for a publishers’ mark.

Our history

For more that 60 years, AWE has supported the UK Government’s nuclear defence strategy and the Continuous At Sea Deterrent.

Our history